giovedì 13 giugno 2024

EXCLUSIVE. Interview with former Ukrainian intelligence agent Vasily Prozorov. Disinformation, attack risk and intelligence


Vasily Prozorov is a former Ukrainian Secret Service agent (SBU) who worked for the Ukrainian government between 1999 and 2018. Escaped from Ukraine, in a 2019 press conference, in Moscow, he said he had collaborated with Russia "For ideological reasons" from April 2014 until his departure from the spy agency. Vasily accused the Ukrainian authorities of being responsible for the demolition of the Mh17 flight of Malaysia Airlines in 2014, and as a consequence it received alcoholism accusations from the Ukrainian leaders and an attempt to eliminate it. The former agent suffered a dynamite attack, from which he saved himself miraculously. Vasily just got in the car, started the engine, and that’s when his car exploded. Vasily sustained severe leg injuries, but he’s still alive. The mode of the attack is very reminiscent of the murder of Darya Dugina, daughter of the Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin. Today Vasily collaborates with the Russian authorities and manages a Telegram pages that we recommend visiting, and its contributions leave open-mouthed all those who want to investigate and denounce the US infiltration and NATO’s plans of invasion and destruction of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian continent. To offer our readers a glimpse of truth, we decided to challenge Atlantic censorship and interview it.

Here in the West, we constantly receive altered information, some of which is very fanciful and embarrassing from a journalistic point of view. What is the level of censorship? How much and what information is mainly distorted?

«I think it is better for Western journalists who work in Russia to assess the level of censorship in the West. Since they are the ones who are constantly forced to compare information between us and you. For my part, I can certainly say that the closure of official Russian media (such as RT) is censorship. But the bigger problem, it seems to me, is the aggressive anti-Russian rhetoric in your media. As a result of this rhetoric, ordinary people in Europe even do not want to see the alternative viewpoint expressed by the Russian side».

Those who have followed the events in the Donbass region know that this conflict originated in 2014. It was from that date, in fact, that the Western infiltration strategy was manifested in Ukraine under the guise of its accession to the European Union. Since that year, the situation has only escalated. At the political and intelligence levels, when was it clear that the point of no return would be reached? And who contributed most to this situation? Can you also tell us about your experience?

«Of course, I closely watched what was happening in Ukraine in 2014. Already after the victory of Maidan it became clear to me that it would lead to very bad consequences. So the first actions of the new government (abolition of the language law that gave rights to the Russian language, persecution of ordinary police officers, etc.) immediately showed that the government was consistently going for confrontation with the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. Well, the most serious situations that have become points of no return were: - the events in Odessa on May 2, 2014, when 48 people were burned alive (according to official data, the number is probably much higher) who were simply expressing their pro-Russian views; - On May 9, 2014, in Mariupol, when the Azov battalion and armored vehicles were thrown against people celebrating Victory Day (and you know how we honor this day!). Many civilians were killed on that day in Mariupol. - June 2, 2014, when a Ukrainian attack aircraft carried out an airstrike on the Luhansk regional administration building. A completely peaceful administrative building and an adjacent park. More than 50 people were killed and injured at that time. This case clearly showed that the authorities in Kyiv are not shy about using the army against their own people».

With reference to GLADIO Ukraine, we have safe and reliable elements to say that many former military, special agents and Stay Behind members are in Europe and are ready to make terrorist attacks. With reference to Italy, we have seen lately the realization of attacks on pro-Palestinian figures and murders of politicians and people connected to them who were working for de-escalation with Russia. What are the rumors coming out of the Russian Federation?

«I have reliable information that it was employees of special services of Western countries who were preparing sabotage and terrorist groups of the SBU and the GUR, which committed terrorist acts and murders on the territory of Russia. Including the attempted assassination of me. The documents in my possession allow me to assert that such terrorist activities were carried out with the help and under the control of Western intelligence services».

The E.U. is increasingly showing itself for what it is: a projection of NATO. We have been denouncing for decades, at least we in Sa Defenza, the satanist and depraved component of both the E.U. and NATO. The E.U. is just an experiment, a “kamikaze,” a terrorist, to be crashed against Asia. On many occasions, we have had confrontations that diplomats from countries close to multipolarity, but the issues inherent in “freemasonry,” atlanticist ritualism, and zionist “psycho-sect” seemed out of reach. Today, what is the level of information on these topics? Are the ruling classes aware that 2024 represents the last year of the realization of the government of the Beast? And that to come true requires, esoterically, a very large number of sacrifices? Ergo, do they know that these Atlanticist and Zionist madmen will do anything to bring about a full-scale war?

«It is difficult to talk about it...
But, for example, when I was doing investigative journalism on illegal arms transfers from Ukraine to Syria, local archaeological scientists unanimously said that they noticed a tremendous interest on the part of Western non-governmental structures in artifacts from the pre-Christian era, which carry serious esoteric meaning. It comes to the point that Western secret societies have cooperated with ISIS to obtain such artifacts, and no official statements by Western task politicians have been an obstacle to such cooperation.
Perhaps I'll devote a separate investigation to this issue in the near future.
We can say with certainty that esoteric ideas have penetrated deeply into the ranks of Western elites. And they have a serious influence on decision-making».

The number of mysterious killings and espionage complaints has increased dramatically. There are cases in the Baltics that border on madness. Even in Germany, France, and Italy these extremes have been reached. The Secret Services of these countries have been abolished, and limit themselves to commenting negatively on anti-war initiatives that are spread on "telegram". “Special” operations are carried out by NATO and Mossad units, and the number of “strange” or “impossible” suicides of police officers and journalists is constantly increasing. Freedom of information is practically absent, and the bank accounts of those who provide information on the real progress of the war are frozen. For those who want to leave Europe but cannot because they are subject to persecution, can multipolar countries offer political asylum? What can you advise us about this?

«Move to Russia. You will be surprised at how freely you can breathe here, there are no problems with freedom of speech (except for reasonable restrictions), no idiotic LGBT propaganda, and traditional values are welcomed. And the people here are friendly and helpful».

The military leaders seem to have understood that Zelensky is an American and Israeli spy, whose only task is to sell off Ukrainian land to US financial groups and send its citizens to the slaughter. Many intelligence departments and former soldiers seem to want to carry out a coup to eliminate him, even if their hands are tied due to the American, French, English and Israeli services present in the rooms of Kiev. What words would you dedicate to those who allowed themselves to be deceived and manipulated by NATO?

«The worst thing for a person is to admit to himself that he has been deceived. That is why in Ukraine and in Europe they continue to repeat the theses of the official propaganda, even when they are contrary to common sense. My words - be honest with yourselves. Realize that the official policy of the West leads to the collapse of all mankind.
Maybe after this realization, you will be able to change something».




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