lunedì 7 ottobre 2024

What do Arab countries think of us "Western degenerates"? Exclusive interview with the "Palestinian Commie" channel

Currently, unfortunately, your author does not see many active channels for truly free and independent information, because, let's be honest, we live in a dictatorship, and NATO controls official and less official publishing. Even "the internet" has been contaminated, and many fake "opponents of the system," as soon as they can get their hands on some "donations," immediately stop being against the system to embrace more moderate, conservative, pro-USA, "Trumpist," anti-Chinese or "pacifist" positions, forgetting the pro-Russia, pro-Donbass, or pro-Palestinian media campaigns.

Few are the information channels that can be trusted, and I urge our readers to keep their guard up, especially with regard to the many pretty girls who post poorly translated information and who "live" only because they are followed by a handful of old men desperate for obsession, who care little for truth or freedom of speech and thought. Even less should one trust those who invite you to follow their "facebook", "whataspp" and "instagram" channels or get paid exclusively for "Paypal" (which has very little anonymity), knowing full well the level of spying on these platforms and the ease with which they can take possession of your data and devices.

For all these reasons, and because of the worsening conflict in the Middle East, we decided to interview the administrator of a channel that we find interesting, whose publications intrigued us because of their pragmatism and correctness of analysis. We are talking about the "Palestinian Commie" telegram channel, an anonymous channel that translates information coming from the countries targeted by NATO and Israeli attacks. The channel is not financed or affiliated, apparently, with any official governmental medium, and has been proceeding in the direction of pluralist and multipolar information for some considerable time.

We would like to thank the channel administrator for the interview he granted us and for the clarifications he was able to bring to our readers and to all those who intend to learn about and delve into aspects of the ongoing war in the Middle East; a war, as you will read, that does not affect a specific section of the planet, but all of us.

We invite you, in the end, to follow the channel, and we leave you with the interview.

Why did you open this alternative channel of communication that is dedicated to providing global information about the Middle East? What difficulties have you been facing, mainly in your information work? What risks have you incurred so far? Can you tell us something about yourself?

«I started translating local news to a few channels I was following on Telegram since the start of the Ukraine operation. A lot of local news was not being talked about at all, before the whole world started to follow Palestine and educate themselves – from then on, almost all local news was getting global attention, which was the initial goal. Apart from that, I had very controversial, complex and individual theories and analyses of the current genocide since the start (I wouldn’t like to mention exactly what they are, as now they’re not relevant); after publishing a lot of them on other channels, I decided to create my own because not everything I was sending was being published. In terms of risk, everything is on the line, even having telegram installed on your phone is very dangerous. I can’t tell you anything about myself».

What is the current situation in the Middle East? Israel has launched attacks against Iran, Lebanon, and even Syria. But no attack could have happened with the support of Western powers. Who are the main allies of Israel's terrorist and occupying entity? Can you confirm that special groups from France, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany participated in the various attacks?

«What is happening in Palestine is not separate from Ukraine, Taiwan, Central Africa, or any other place of “conflict” in the world—the United States is collapsing, economically, militarily, culturally, and in all aspects, this is no secret. Empires rise and fall, and nothing ever stops this historical phenomenon. We are witnessing the death of an empire, and RT favour to describe it, and the empire is doing everything it can in order to extend its dominance for the maximum possible time. The Zionist colony is America’s most essential asset in the world, and over the past 30 years, it has been losing the power balance against the Axis of Resistance. As we can see today, the balance is on the side of the Axis by a far margin – so what would have been the case in even 5 more years? Much worse for the Zionists, and thus, they needed the last attempt to uncover the technological advancement of Iran and its allies and see if they could stop it in any way. The answer is no, and that is why no matter what decision “Israel” makes, it cannot stop its demise. If it were an external colonization, like France in Algeria, it would have ended long ago; but our colonization, as martyr Sayyed Nasrallah called it, is a cancerous tumor, mixed within and inside the region, and needs to be extracted in a “surgical” way. This is the only reason it still exists, and the plan was to wait for the complete collapse of the US (because Israel never won a war without them), in which case it would vanish and collapse from the inside. Israel knew this, and decided to ignite the region and destroy parties of the Axis, but they are one defeat away from collapsing (the defeat in the form of a ceasefire – and thus, the never-ending genocidal rampage to extend the war as long as possible).

In terms of NATO mercenaries, there is scattered evidence everywhere that they took part.

However, what nobody expected was that they would be crushed so fast in Gaza – now, there is probably a very few percentage left. Out of memory, I remember an American official admitting that US mercenaries arrived in Gaza and “were blasted to pieces in the first two weeks”, a Spanish mercenary who was interviewed and talked about his salary and duties, and some flags of Kurdistan hung in Gaza, in addition to solidarity with Ukraine by Zionist soldiers in Gaza».

The rhetoric used by NATO and Israel in the Western world goes against all logic. They accuse Russia, Lebanon and Palestine of being terrorist countries but spend no words condemning Israel. The Middle East countries have the support of the multipolar community and access to even classified information. Can you confirm that there are Israeli agents in Europe ready to provoke attacks if the European NATO countries do not give them the necessary support?

«NATO is simply the alliance of the elites of historical colonial powers, the first people who dominated the whole world, and lost it again, retreating back to what is now left of it, which we call NATO. They’ve always been in total control of their countries/governments, although the geography has been dynamic in the past century (losing countries, gaining them again, etc.) That’s to say: all NATO powers are one family, and have the single common interest of maintaining domination over the world. The CIA, Mossad and all NATO intelligence are all part of what we call the West, and it’s as simple as that. Thus, it’s more practical to think of the US, Europe, Israel, and all Western states or their satellite states as one country. Historically, borders were never geographic, but determined by power and influence (wherever the king has influence, it’s part of his kingdom).

That’s why the best description of the world order is, as you said, the multi-polar world vs the collective West; these are the two countries that exist in the world. (All of this answers your question: the Mossad exists in, belongs to, and is a citizen of all NATO states – it is the supreme intelligence of local intelligences)».

There was a lot of buzz about the Israeli terrorist attack on Hezbollah's pagers, cell phones and computers. The Western media were immediately active at the same time in saying that explosive charges had been placed in the pagers, but we at Sa Defenza have discovered that it is possible to remotely detonate a technological device via hacking attack, with evidence dating as far back as 2007 and coming from the experts at the U.S. National Security Agency themselves. What was the comment coming from Middle Eastern sources on this?

«I’m not at all an expert in military capabilities. But this is what I have to say about the pager attack: what was hurtful more than the attack was the (pre-prepared) media campaign that followed it. The pagers didn’t touch 1% of the military's capabilities, and it was a very improvised attack that was only conceived and planned within a few months. It was meant to send many fake messages: 1. The Zionist intelligence has much more, is capable of anything, and hasn’t even started (many people felt like this soon after, especially after the assassinations); the reality is that it was pure terrorism, and not at all an infiltration. 2. There was a plan set for decades to carry out something like this; the reality is that if “Israel” had this planned, they would have used it much earlier in the war, not after reaching the edge of desperation. 3. The resistance is weak and can be destroyed with one button (again, many people felt like that, but the momentary ecstasy fades within only a few days each time throughout the whole war). Of course, my obvious comment would be: read what the Hebrew media writes, and think that “it’s probably the absolute opposite”. “Intimidation is that last weapon in the hands of a collapsing empire” – I don’t know who said that».

Are they aware in the countries of the Middle East that the West is ruled by an elite who are part of NATO, totally degenerate, who think in esoteric terms, and who are being conviolated in scandals concerning pedophilia and child trafficking (Hunter Bide/Macron)? At what level in the Middle East are they aware of this? Or what do they comment on it?

«The Middle East, or, let me specify, Arabs, is a culture of identity. Arabia/The Levant is the area connecting the whole world; Arabs know and are curious about everything in all cultures of the world, we see the world as “Us and Not Us” (but never in a Nazi-onalist way). That is to say, the Arab personality has been known for the same characteristics since “Jahili” times, such as pride, fidelity, honor, and most importantly: collectivity. The most profound essence of an Arab is that he is social, and can exist in no other form – social bond is the highest value in, let’s say, Middle Eastern cultures. And thus, all these things you mentioned, sexual perversions, degeneracy, individualism, anything Western, will never make its way into Arab societies or be accepted, no matter how fierce the propaganda (The day in which sponsorship of such propaganda ends, it collapses in moments). Arabs are completely aware of the degeneracy of neo-Western cultures, and never in history have they given any value or importance to Europe (which was basically the whole West until colonial expansion); we considered them inferior, for understandable reasons – facts and not opinions, and there was never any curiosity about their culture. And to top it all: Western sponsorship of Islamic radicalism for over 2 centuries has eventually made cultural colonization impossible (of course, it’s possible to exercise total power in a dystopian, unipolar world, but the moment it begins to weaken, fundamentalism will rise again like a rabid dog… but this is all just theoretical)».

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