Benjamin Fulford: I Cinesi propongono la vendita dell'oro tramite White Dragon, la resistenza giapponese vuol colpire Obama con un "Kamikaze" a Hiroshima

La battaglia per il pianeta terra infuria su molti fronti. La guerra finanziaria rimane il più importante di questi fronti. I militari cinesi e la famiglia Dragon dietro di loro, stanno insistendo per mettere l'oro a disposizione dell'Occidente, solo se passa tramite la Fondazione White Dragon Foundation e viene utilizzato per stabilire la pace nel mondo, affermano fonti governative cinesi.
Parleremo più ampiamente di questo più avanti, ma vi è un'altro grande sviluppo, mi è stata consegnata una nota scritta a mano che dice "Il Kamikaze cercherà di assassinare Bummer a Hiroshima." Il significato è che un attentatore suicida tenterà di uccidere il presidente americano Barack Obama durante la sua visita in Giappone verso la fine di questo mese.
Un altro intrigo, eventualmente collegato, sta succedendo che la rete nazionale giapponese Japan’s national NHK broadcasting network ha messo in circolazione un documentario e afferma che nel 1944 una fabbrica giapponese di aerei militari è stata colpita da un terremoto di precisione. A seguito di questo, i bombardieri USA B29 gettato volantini dove si afferma "che cosa dobbiamo fare la prossima volta dopo il terremoto?" Il sismografo del terremoto 1944 è identico al modello visto nello sciame sismico che ha centrato le basi militari giapponesi di Kyushu il mese scorso. Questo è il link in lingua giapponese del documentario di NHK sull'attacco con terremoto.
La più probabile tecnologia utilizzata per questi attacchi sarebbe basata sul oscillatore di Nikola Tesla's_oscillator
che è stato trasformato in un segreto militare da parte del governo degli Stati Uniti nel 1930. La metropolitana giapponese ha portato questo documentario alla nostra attenzione e dire che avranno la loro vendetta per gli ultimi attacchi del terremoto.
Fonti russe, da parte loro, hanno trasmesso prove dettagliate di sterminio sistematico di civili eseguiti dalla mafia Khazariana in Ucraina e altrove allo scopo della raccolta dei loro organi per il trapianto. Alcune delle prove sono un allegato del fine del rapporto di questa settimana. Si può essere sicuri che gli autori di questi crimini vengono cacciati.
La mafia Khazariana, alla disperata ricerca di un rifugio per sfuggire dalla epurazione in corso, è temporaneamente riuscita a rovesciare il presidente eletto dal popolo brasiliano Dilma Rousseff. Il nuovo governo di criminali ha già impostato la "privatizzazione" (o saccheggio) di ampi settori dell'economia. Si può essere sicuri che la battaglia del Brasile non è finita e il nuovo governo cleptocratico non sarà stabile o di lunga durata.
La fazione nazista Khazariana con leader di alto livello Henry Kissinger, che non è stato ucciso come affermava Alexander Romanov degli Illuminati che ci ha malinformato, è stato convocato al Pentagono il 9 Maggio, data della vittoria della Russia sulla Germania nella II Guerra Mondiale, dicono fonti del Pentagono.
Ci è stato detto: Kissinger ha informato i suoi compagni mafiosi Khazariani che devono lasciare che le banche falliscano, smettere di rubare risparmi e pensioni, cessare di utilizzare i tassi di interesse negativi e sostenere il dollaro con l'oro. Il 9 Maggio è stato scelto per simboleggiare la cooperazione militare tra USA / Russia un messaggio diretto ai detentori dell'oro a Hong Kong, dicono le fonti del Pentagono.
I cinesi hanno reagito, come detto sopra, offrendo almeno 20.000 tonnellate di oro con lo sconto del 13% a condizione che, come accennato prima, il 10% vada alla creazione di una futura agenzia di pianificazione mentre l'altro 3% è per le commissioni. I titolari dell'oro sono i militari cinesi che dicono di non consegnarla al governo comunista cinese o alle società cinesi. Si dice che oltre 20.000 tonnellate d'oro, sono state raffinate al 99.99% di purezza, 12,5 chili a lingotto, c'è molto più oro disponibile, ma i lingotti con 60% di oro e 40% di rame dovrebbero essere raffinati. Il report delle forze armate cinesi la famiglia Dragon e la CIA e le fonti governative cinesi , concordano.
Ci sono ancora persone nel complesso industriale militare degli USA che pensano gli Stati Uniti non abbiano bisogno di accettare questa offerta, ora che hanno preso il sopravvento sulla Federal Reserve Board, possono stampare dollari per risolvere i problemi degli Stati Uniti. Il candidato presidenziale repubblicano Donald Trump è apparentemente uno di loro. Il 9 maggio Trump ha detto quanto segue sulla CNN:
"Delle persone dicono che vogliono riacquistare il debito con il default del debito - Queste persone sono pazze. Questo è il governo degli Stati Uniti. Prima di tutto, non deve mai andare in default in quanto stampa il denaro, mi dispiace dirtelo, ma è così? Quindi, non si sarà mai inadempienti."La cosa che Trump non riesce a capire è che, mentre gli Stati Uniti possono stampare tutto il denaro che vuole per utilizzarlo a livello nazionale, gli stranieri non accettano più dollari senza limiti se non è sostenuta da niente in cambio dei loro beni. Gli Stati Uniti sono già in default, per quanto i suoi creditori stranieri sono interessati. Il recente fallimento, il 2 maggio della colonia degli Stati Uniti, di Puerto Rico per il mancato pagamento di 422 milioni di dollari delle sue obbligazioni è stato de facto un default del debito del governo degli Stati Uniti. A differenza del governo Giapponese, che prende in prestito dai propri cittadini, il governo degli Stati Uniti si basa su quelli stranieri per tenerlo a galla. Questi stranieri, per una buona ragione, non si fidano più della carta degli Stati Uniti. Questo è il motivo per cui è necessario che gli Stati Uniti accettino l'offerta, cinese molto generosa, sull'oro, per sostenere i loro dollari. Tutto quello che chiedono in cambio è la pace nel mondo.
Dal momento che Trump è il candidato più probabile a diventare il prossimo presidente degli Stati Uniti, ha bisogno di andare oltre questa offerta se gli Stati Uniti vogliono evitare il collasso economico catastrofico. Gli Stati Uniti non possono stampare la loro via d'uscita dagli obblighi internazionali.
In ogni caso, il complesso militare industriale degli Stati Uniti gravita sempre più attorno a Trump. La scorsa settimana " il consigliere di Bush, Jim Baker ha rotto le righe con i Bush e si è incontrato con Trump," dicono fonti del Pentagono. Si è unito anche Dick Cheney nel gruppo di ratti che abbandonano la nave Nazi-Khazara che affonda .
Probabilmente è troppo tardi, per questi ratti, ottenere la totale immunità per i loro crimini passati. La scorsa settimana l'ex direttore della CIA George Tenet ha dato al pubblico le informazioni che sia George Bush Jr. che Cheney hanno ignorato ripetuti avvisi prima del 11 SET 2001 che gli Usa stavano per essere attaccati.
Il ruolo dei lacchè, della famiglia Bush, vale a dire i funzionari governativi sauditi, in questo attacco è ora anche in fase d'essere reso pubblico sui giornali di tutto il mondo.
I sauditi, temendo gravi sanzioni per il loro ruolo nel 911 e per il finanziamento al cosiddetto terrorismo islamico, si precipitano al fianco della Cina nella speranza di trovare un nuovo grande fratello che li protegga. È per questo che i sauditi hanno offerto di vendere la compagnia petrolifera di stato saudita ai cinesi. Alcuni preferiscono venderla ai cinesi piuttosto che vederla sequestrata dagli americani. Questo è anche il motivo per cui le petro-monarchie del Golfo hanno detto di parteggiare per la Cina contro gli Stati Uniti in una disputa sulle isole Mar Cinese Meridionale.
I cinesi, invece, sono vittime della malizia saudita e non sono in procinto di combattere l'esercito statunitense per proteggere un clan di ladri di cammello trasformati in petro-miliardari. Questo è particolarmente vero perché sanno che i sauditi non sono veri musulmani, ma sono invece dei Khazariani adoratori di Satana. I sauditi stanno per pagare per i loro crimini contro i popoli del mondo, non vi è altra scelta per loro.
Gli adoratori Khazariani di Satana negli Stati Uniti e in Europa sono nei guai, ora che il loro accordo commerciale TTIP con l'Europa è destinata a fallire. Il TTIP avrebbe dovuto proteggerli da azioni penali e di dover pagare gli investitori truffati così, senza le banche i khazariani "sono cotti," dicono le fonti del Pentagono.
Il mondo del sistema bancario ombra dei fondi speculativi soffre perdite enormi perché non stanno più ottenendo informazioni privilegiate dal Federal Reserve Board. Lo stato disfunzionale dei mercati azionari e dei cambi ha provocato anche gli investitori con denaro reale di evitare questi mercati. "Gli investitori sono amministratori di denaro altrui e non vogliono allocare il capitale a uno schema piramidale, " è come se i Brean Capital’s Russ Certo abbiano descritto il senso della nuova morale (paura di ritorsioni) dei mercati finanziari..
Lo schema a piramide a cui si riferisce è quello delle banche centrali che utilizzano moneta fiat per sostenere i mercati azionari e obbligazionari. In altre parole, sempre più persone nei mercati finanziari si stanno rendendo conto che è molto meglio essere incarcerati, con l'accusa di estorsione, in caso di prolungata ordinaria amministrazione.
Per concludere il rapporto di questa settimana, si allega di seguito l'intelligence raw [si riferisce a singoli pezzi di informazioni diffuse] dei russi che illustra quanto male fa la mafia Khazariana e perché abbiamo bisogno di distruggere questa piaga una volta per tutte.
Seguono le info, in lingua inglese, di cui accennava Benjamin sulla situazione nel Donbass e in Ukraina, nell'est, ed altro, l'assassinio di migliaia di persone usate come pezzi di ricambio per i ricchi occidentali, una mostruosità enorme di cui non si parla.
Benjamin! Dear Benjamin. Friends, Urgent information!!! Ukrainian Genocide! Mikheil Saakashvili, and his wife Sandra Roelofs are leading this genocide…
Nina Sidorova
Кто и для чего организовал войну на Украине. Признание сотрудника СБУ. Размножить!СМОТРИТЕ САМОЕ СВЕЖЕЕ ВИДЕО Подписывайтесь на наш канал новости, новости1, новости крыма, украинские новости, новости одессы, новости молдовы, российские новости, новости 24, novosti, политика
00:09:39, Dear,
Below is more detailed information. Thank you, Dear, for your wonderful service to humanity.
You know how much people love You.
Your Friend!
We The People! Friends! Americans!
Please, watch a video and read below a transcript of the testimony of a SBU agent of Ukraine (SBU– Security Service of Ukraine) who describes genocide of murdering people in Ukraine and Donbass by harvesting human organs from alive people, including children and women, by a group of criminal doctors, politicians and SBU agents.
Who and Why organized a War in Ukraine
The Recognition of the SBU Agent
Кто и для чего организовал войну на Украине. Признание сотрудника СБУ.
The SBU agent explained that the criminal gang that commits genocide by harvesting human organs from alive people, including children, and by selling these human organs to Israel and other Western counties, led by Mikheil Saakashvili, and his Dutch wife, Sandra Roelofs.
Mikheil Saakashvili is the current Governor of Ukraine’s Odessa Oblast (region), and he was the third President of Georgia for two consecutive terms from 25 January 2004 to 17 November 2013.
Please, watch in this video mass graves of the murdered civilians and soldiers, photos of the organs that were taken from them, the rooms where human bodies of murdered people were dumped, and the photos of the criminals who have participated in genocide of the people of Ukraine and Donbass (Novorossya).
Below of the transcript, I placed:
1. Benjamin Fulford – Full Report – May 9, 2016
Major movement on multiple fronts including US regime change and serious political turmoil in China
Benjamin explains in his report about “…a joint US/Russian operation against the Satanic Khazarian mafia, Pentagon and other sources say. The realization that hundreds of thousands of children are being butchered by the Khazarians in the US, the Ukraine and elsewhere.”
The testimony of the SBU agent that I offer to you to watch on the video and to read is one more evidence of the crimes committed against children by The World’s largest Crime Syndicate, also, known in the USA as
· Khazarian Mafia (KM)
· Rothschild’s Jewish Mafia
· The World’s largest anti-Human Parasite
2. Benjamin Fulford provides in his report a link to the article, Spare Parts, which is an additional evidence that supports a testimony of a SBU agent about the genocide of Ukrainian people.
“Here is the reason why: BUSTED: 25,000 Ukranian children were used for spare parts in the Israeli organ harvesting program.
From MX22
“An international Israeli conspiracy to kidnap children and harvest their organs is gathering momentum as another shocking story divulges Tel Aviv’s plot to import Ukrainian children and harvest their organs.
The story brings to light the fact that Israel has brought some 25,000 Ukrainian children into the occupied entity over the past two years in order to harvest their organs. It cites a Ukrainian man’s fruitless search for 15 children who had been adopted in Israel. The children had clearly been taken by Israeli medical centers, where they were used for ’spare parts’.”
Dear Friends, please, forgive me for possible grammar mistakes. I am under attack of the Khazarian Mafia, whose mercenaries commit regularly cyber-attacks on my laptops, and I will explain to you later that only three weeks ago the seventh attempt to murder me was committed by Israeli criminals…
I still feel weak, but I survived. God saved me again… Some of my friends know that these Khazarian criminals, its mercenaries, and corrupted agents of the Fusion Centers of Northern California committed against me more than 128 criminal offenses since 2010. These criminal offenses were registered in police and the FBI. This is what I faced from Khazarian Mafia because of my assistance and help to low-income tenants of California.
With my blessings to each of you,
Nina Sidorova,
President of the Northern California Tenant Association
The Transcript of the testimony of a SBU agent of Ukraine translated into English on the best of my ability.
Who and Why organized a War in Ukraine
The Recognition of the SBU Agent
0:22, The person in this video states that he is a SBU agent of Ukraine (SBU– Security Service of Ukraine). In December 2014, he was sent to Donbass (Novorossya), zona ATO (ЗонаАТО) with a medical group. The medical group called, The Group of Emergency and Intensive Care.
He states that they were trained for two weeks in the city of Kramatosrk (Краматорск), after which they were connected to a group of medical doctors. They received new Western medical equipment and new weapons. He explains that Col. Michenko of SBU explained to them that many soldiers want to donate their organs after their death, and the relatives of these soldiers would receive money for the organs that would be taken from the dead soldiers. However, he witnessed later that the organs were taken from alive people, including civilians–children and women.
For each person from whom the organs were taken, this SBU agent received $170.
The SBU agent states a few times during his testimony that not only internal organs such as kidneys, liver or spleens were taken from alive children, women and soldiers, but also people’s eyes, skin, bones, etc.
2:24, The professional transplantologist, Elisabeth Debruk, a citizen of Holland, required other criminals, working with her, to take organs from alive people without their permissions. Very often, she took organs from civilians, including children. For 5 or 7 minutes, Elisabeth Debruk could take couple of kidneys or other kinds of organs from an easy wounded soldier who was not heavily wounded, or from civilians. Elisabeth Debruk packed these organs in special containers and gave to SBU agents these organs to send these organs to a wife of Mikheil Saakashvili, (Гражданин Грузии и Украины М. Сукашвилли), Sandra Roelofs.
The SBU agent mentioned in his testimony City of Kramatorsk and City of Debalchevo (Donbass). He said that many organs were taken from people from sector С (Сектор Ц) near these cities.
The SBU agent explains that only for one day in February 2015 from one place where he worked with Elisabeth Debruk, they took and sent 23 (twenty three) pairs of human kidneys, livers and spleens.
3:13, The agent said that corps of the people from whom organs were taken were put on tracks and brought to the City of Artemovsk where other people of this group already prepared mass graves for murdered people.
He said our Generals and we earned a lot of money, working in Debalchevo and harvesting human organs.
4:17, The SBU agent said that he knows English well, and he witnessed how Elisabeth Debruk was talking with a wife of Mikheil Saakashvili– Sandra Roelofs who called her from Europe and who asked her to increase the number of removed organs and the quality of the organs. Sandra Roelofs was a real boss who guided this group and who ordered taking human organs from alive people of Ukraine and Donbass.
Sandra Roelofs told to this SBU agent that if he would face any problems with harvesting human organs, he need to contact Col. Vladimir Michenko, and if he would face serious problems, he should contact Vice Director of Ukrainian SBU General Alexander. (SBU– Security Service of Ukraine).
4:41, This agent testifies that everything was changed after Mikheil Saakashvili (Гражданин Грузии и Украины М. Сукашвилли), visited this place in Ukraine (Donbass) where the criminal group of medical doctors and SBU agents committed crimes of murdering people and taking from them their organs. Col. Michenko required this SBU agent to accompany Saakashvili on April 22, 2015.
Elisabeth Debruk attended all of the meetings with Saakashvili in the City of Kramatosrk and City of Lisichansk (Donbass).
Mikheil Saakashvili praised the doctors and SBU agents for harvesting human organs, and he told them that their salaries will be increased. Saakashvili called human organs “products”, and he required increasing delivery of the “products”.
5:40, “After Mikheil Saakashvili left, everything went by the devil way”, said a SBU agent. He said that murderings of people have increased dramatically. The victims, from whom organs were taken, were buried in mass graves, and he witnessed that these murdered people were declared in SBU’s documents as missing people. The relatives of these soldiers did not receive any money, and they were told that their sons and husbands were missing.
5:50, When fighting was stopped (during truce), Sandra Roelofs, a wife of Mikheil Saakashvili, started calling almost each day, requiring to increase organs’ deliveries.
The SBU agent said that Elisabeth Debruk, Roman and Svetlana took organs from Ukrainian civilians, including children.
6:00, The SBU agent explains what happened near City Opasnoe (Опасное) in Ukraine (Donbass). He provided an example of the murders of civilians, including children. He explains that Elisabeth Debruk murdered a 12 years old girl who just lost her consciousness for a few minutes from the blast occurring near. Criminal Debruck (a citizen of Holland) took kidney and spleen from this 12 years old alive child. (Look at photos at 6:12). Debruk cut organs from a father of this girl, who was NOT wounded. The agent remember a name of a father of this girl (his name was Vladimir Layshevsky). The SBU agent remembered this name because he took his passport and gave to other agents. The mother of the girl was wounded, and she was sent to a hospital for complete removal of all of her organs.
When this SBU agent checked medical documents, he saw that these three people, including a 12 years old girl, were declared dead from a blast.
As I mention above, this SBU agent said a few times during his testimony that not only kidneys, livers, and spleens were taken from alive Ukrainians and Russians, but also people’s eyes, skin, bones, etc.
6:40, The SBU agent stated that he witnessed wild genocide of civilians that took place in Ukraine and Donbass. He was shocked even he participated in it. He would not be able to participate in this genocide anymore.
On June 4, 2015, he wrote a report of a resignation. He reported to his commander that wild genocide of the civilians and soldiers is taking place in Ukraine and Donbass. Col. Michenko asked him again why he signed his resignation. The SBU agent explained again that the wild genocide of civilians and soldiers is going on… He provided supporting evidence.
7:02, He was told that he should show the mass graves of the murdered civilians and soldiers from whom their organs were taken. Please, look at the photos of these graves and watch this part of the video.
This SBU agent was told to take a vacation and relax, after which he would be promoted.
7:08, The video shows how the mass graves of civilians and soldiers in the City of Artemovsk were opened. The professional doctors— eksgumators were sent to this place.
Only in one particular place, 132 (one hundred thirty two) corps of the murdered people were found. The people were murdered because their organs were taken from them. Four people in each gave. The SBU agent does not know where they brought the corps of the people after eksgumators took them from mass graves.
7:24, The SBU agent states that on June 11, 2015, he met General Alexander Radechky in Kiev. (Nina: Radechky is a Khazarian Jew).
General Radechky told him that this agent should take a vacation and relax, after which he would be promoted and become a major. However, when this agent left a general’s office, he was immediately attacked and arrested, after which SBU agents brought him to the basement of the SBU’s building.
Those who arrested this SBU agent showed him an order for his arrest for the falsification of the documents, and they requested him to sign an agreement to go to a mental hospital. They told that if he would not agree with a mental hospital, he would be in jail or would be murdered.
The SBU agent said, “Okay, I will go to a mental hospital.” He asked just to allow him to go to his house for one night, and he gave those who arrested him $300. It was all of the money he has with him.
7:52, He asked to bring him to his home for one night. The SBU agent promised to pay to those who arrested him $1000 to each of them if they would bring him home for one night before he would go to a mental hospital… When they brought him home, he gave $1000 to each of those who arrested him.
He testifies, “I am a professional intelligence officer, and this was not a problem for me to run away even somebody watched my house…”
8:18, The former Ukrainian SBU agent appeal to all of us… He shows videos and photos of mass graves and organs that were taken from alive people who were murdered. He showed video of criminals who have participated in genocide of civilians and soldiers in Ukraine and Donbass.
8:25, You can see on his videos the corps of people from whom their organs were taken. You can see the rooms where human bodies were dumped after the organs were taken from alive people and they were murdered.
8:33,The SBU agent said that he can show other mass graves of the people who were murdered because their organs were taken from them. He explains about mass graves near a village Chassovya (Часовья), in which were buried more than 97 (ninety-seven) people, from whom their organs were taken.
He stated that more than 20 (twenty) of these murdered people were civilians, children and women.
8:50, The SBU agent explains about a mass grave near City of Uglegorsk (Углегорск) where more than 30 (thirty) people were buried. He states that these people were murdered because their organs were taken from them.
9:01, He contacted WikiLeaks describing genocide of people of Ukraine and Donbass.
The SBU agent states one more time that criminal Mikheil Saakashvili (Гражданин Грузии и Украины М. Сукашвилли) and his Dutch wife, Sandra Roelofs, are those who are leading this genocidal business of murdering civilians, including children and women, and soldiers in order to take their organs, skin, eyes and bones and to sell.
9:00, The SBU agent said that he knows that he is guilty because he participated in this wild genocide. He says that he deserves severe punishment.
However, he would not give up, and he will do everything that he can in order to expose this Genocide and harvesting of organs from alive and healthy people of Ukraine and Donbass, including of harvesting of organs from children and women.
The SBU agent states that this Genocide did not stopped. The Genocide of people of Donbas (Novorossya) and Ukraine continues…
9:13, The SBU agent said his former coworker, Gennady Getman, was promoted, and he is now a leader of the medical group that murders alive people, including children by taking organs from alive people. He stated that Gennady Getman falsifies documents, declaring alive and healthy people as being dead, after which the criminal doctors take organs from these people, and the murdered people were buried in mass graves.
He said that any of the Ukrainians or people from Donbass could become victims of these murderers.
9:35, This repentant SBU agent appeals to all of us, asking to help him to stop this Genocide of People of Ukraine and people of Donbass!
Translated to the best of my ability,
Nina Sidorova,
President of the Northern California Tenant Association
Ukrainian kids, new victims of Israeli ‘organ theft’
An international Israeli conspiracy to kidnap children and harvest their organs is gathering momentum as another shocking story divulges Tel Aviv’s plot to import Ukrainian children and harvest their organs.
The story brings to light the fact that Israel has brought some 25,000 Ukrainian children into the occupied entity over the past two years in order to harvest their organs. It cites a Ukrainian man’s fruitless search for 15 children who had been adopted in Israel. The children had clearly been taken by Israeli medical centers, where they were used for ‘spare parts’.
The account was unveiled five days ago by a Ukrainian philosophy professor and author, Vyacheslav Gudin, at a pseudo-academic conference in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. Gudin told an estimated 300 attendees of the Kiev conference that it was essential that all Ukrainians be made aware of the genocide Israel was perpetrating.
The conference also featured two professors who presented a book blaming “the Zionists” for the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s, as well as the country’s current condition.
Meanwhile, Ukrainians demonstrated outside the Israeli Embassy in Kiev on Tuesday to protest a letter signed by 26 Knesset members (MKs) condemning what they described as anti-Semitic remarks by presidential candidate Sergey Ratushnyak. Protesters chanted ‘Ukraine isn’t the Gaza Strip,’ suggesting that they consider the effort by the Israeli MKs as an intervention in their country.
A story, published in the Arabic-language Algerian daily al-Khabar in September, reported that Interpol, the international police organization, has revealed the existence of ‘a Jewish gang’ that was ‘involved in the abduction of children from Algeria and trafficking of their organs.’
According to the story, bands of Moroccans and Algerians had been roaming the streets of Algerian cities in an attempt to hunt around for young children. They then trafficked the kids across the border into the neighboring Morocco.
The children were then sold to Israelis and American Jews in Oujda, the capital of eastern Morocco, for the purpose of organ harvest in Israel and the United States.
The story is based on statements made by Mustafa Khayatti, head of the Algerian National Committee for the Development of Health Research. Khayatti maintains that the abduction of children in Algeria is linked to arrests made in New York and New Jersey at the end of July, in which several Jewish men were among the 44 arrested in connection to an investigation into illegal organ trafficking and political corruption.
The story comes in line with the article published last month in Aftonbladet,
Sweden’s largest circulation daily, suggesting that the Israeli army kidnapped and killed young Palestinians to harvest their organs. It shed light on the case of Bilal Ahmed Ghanem, a 19-year-old Palestinian man, who was shot dead in 1992 by Israeli forces in the West Bank village of Imatin.
Bostrom, who witnessed the man’s killing, said Ghanem’s body was abducted following the shooting and was returned at midnight, during an imposed curfew, several days later by the Israeli military with a cut from the stomach to the neck that had been stitched up.
Bostrom argued that an autopsy would be required if the cause of death was not apparent, while in this case it was clear that Bilal was shot dead.
After that incident, at least 20 Palestinian families told Bostrom that they