giovedì 20 ottobre 2016



Le Regine, esibivano il loro potere con corone d'oro imperlate di pietre preziose , e stravaganti variopinti  pesanti abiti di gala.

Oggi la regina nera , veste oro su tutto il corpo , un vero schiaffo alla dilagante povertà che aleggia sugli USA , i dati rivelano che il 62% degli americani hanno meno di 1000$ nei loro conti correnti bancari, ed un'altro 36% d'essi non riesce a pagare le rate della loro auto da sei mesi, tant'è che si profila un'altro sub-prime sulle auto vendute una bolla che trascinerà gli USA e l'occidente al baratro.
Il nostro post non è per alimentare il gossip , ma politico,  e vuole mettere in risalto, evidenziare la discrepanza di valori e l'abbondanza dei denari gettati in futilità dalle classi sociali al potere, che con i loro comportamenti esagerati insultano a più riprese la povertà che avanza e si diffonde a grandi passi, gli schiaffi subiti sono sempre più forti e dolorosi. Nel mentre questi politicanti senza valori ne fede in alcunchè se non  nel denaro e nell'egotico benessere, politicanti del malaffare, corrotti, al servizio delle élite, godono si divertono e spendono senza importarsene dei loro concittadini bistrattati. Richezze che provengono dallo sfruttamento di intere popolazioni della terra e a cui  gli USA e i suoi servi occidentali , si apprestano a preparare la via d'uscita alla loro crisi, con una  guerra contro la Russia, per mantenere questi livelli di lusso , rubati ai paesi poveri dove impongono solo guerra dolore,  morte , pestilenze e fame.

Sa Defenza

Il presidente Obama e la first lady Michelle hanno accolto il premier italiano Matteo Renzi e sua moglie alla Casa Bianca

I Renzi erano gli ospiti d'onore all'ultima cena di stato   dell'amministrazione Obama
La cena di stato sfavillante era servita dal famoso chef Mario Batali arrivato al termine della visita

Michelle Obama ha messo in mostra uno straordinario abito lungo rosa dell'Atelier Versace. “Vero glamour Hollywoodiano” scrive, il Washington Post, commentando l’abito da sera oro rosato in cotta di maglia, realizzato dalla griffe della Medusa.

La cena di Stato era piena di celebrità con esibizioni di artisti del calibro di cantante Gwen Stefani

Renzi avvolge una mano attorno Michelle all'ingresso della sala da pranzo per la cena di stato finale degli Obama '

That's a wrap! The wife of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi looks on as her husband chats animatedly to Michelle

Che Bella! Il primo ministro italiano Matteo Renzi presta un braccio protettivo per la first lady mentre scendono le scale alla Casa Bianca
Easy does it: Italy's PM helps Michelle navigate off the carpet and onto the marble floor with a guiding hand on the back 

Easy does it: Italy's PM helps Michelle navigate off the carpet and onto the marble floor with a guiding hand on the back 

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama pose for a photo as they greet Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini on the North Portico for a State Dinner at the White House in Washington
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama wait to greet Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini on the North Portico for a State Dinner at the White House in Washington last night 
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama wait to greet Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini on the North Portico for a State Dinner at the White House in Washington last night 
Michelle Obama looked stunning in an Atelier Versace chainmail rose gold dress next to President Obama who looked dashing in his tux
Michelle Obama looked stunning in an Atelier Versace chainmail rose gold dress next to President Obama who looked dashing in his tux
Barack Obama had promised that they had 'saved the best for last.' And the first lady lived up to that promise with her stunning custom-made Atelier Versace dress
Barack Obama had promised that they had 'saved the best for last.' And the first lady lived up to that promise with her stunning custom-made Atelier Versace dress
President Barack Obama  and First Lady Michelle Obama wait at the top of the red carpeted steps to greet Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wait at the top of the red carpeted steps to greet Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama, wearing a floor length, rose gold chainmail gown designed by Atelier Versace, wait at North Portico of the White House to greet the Italian leader and his wife for a State Dinner
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama, wearing a floor length, rose gold chainmail gown designed by Atelier Versace, wait at North Portico of the White House to greet the Italian leader and his wife for a State Dinner
 Agnese Landini, the Italian Prime Minister's wife, also sparkled in a floor length, silver and grey gown next to Michelle Obama's rose gold dress
 Agnese Landini, the Italian Prime Minister's wife, also sparkled in a floor length, silver and grey gown next to Michelle Obama's rose gold dress
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama greet the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini on the North Portico before the State Dinner
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama greet the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini on the North Portico before the State Dinner
President Barack Obama and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi a eta)
President Barack Obama and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi shared a brief hug on the North Portico as they greeted each other on Tuesday evening
The leaders of the USA and Italy, and their wives, stood together at the top of the red carpeted stairs ahead of the final state dinner
The leaders of the USA and Italy, and their wives, stood together at the top of the red carpeted stairs ahead of the final state dinner
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama enter the White House at the North Portico, with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama enter the White House at the North Portico, with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini
US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama welcome Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini on the North Portico of the White House before a state dinner in Washington
US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama welcome Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini on the North Portico of the White House before a state dinner in Washington
It was a 'bittersweet moment' for the Obamas on Tuesday as they welcomed Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife for an official visit and the final state dinner of his time in office 
It was a 'bittersweet moment' for the Obamas on Tuesday as they welcomed Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife for an official visit and the final state dinner of his time in office 
US President Barack Obama, US First Lady Michelle Obama, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi  and his wife Agnese Landini  arrive for an official photo before the State Dinner at the White House
US President Barack Obama, US First Lady Michelle Obama, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini arrive for an official photo before the State Dinner at the White House

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